Vaping Advocacy: Navigating Credible Sources and Voices
Vaping Advocacy: Navigating Credible Sources and Voices During the early stages of vaping, credible information was easily accessible. As the vaping industry grew, substandard manufacturers propagated misinformation, making it difficult to find reliable information. In light of this, we present the most reliable sources for accurate information on vaping-related matters. Vaping Advocacy: Unveiling Credible Sources Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA.org) is a non-profit organization founded and operated by...

A closer look at New Zealand's 2021 ASH Year 10 Survey
2021 Youth Vaping Ash Survey Youth smoking rates have declined worldwide in recent years, and New Zealand is no exception. A record low number of 13 and 14-year-old students smoke cigarettes daily, according to the 2021 ASH Year 10 Survey, indicating a positive step towards Smokefree 2025. As smoking rates decline, another concerning trend is emerging: the uptake of vaping among young people motivated by curiosity. The objective of this...